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Capucine Fachot

Capucine is a Reiki Master Teacher and a researcher of esoterics and spirituality. 


Early in life she found herself inspired by what she saw and read and started making her own creations: journals and photographs. Which lead her to studying a double BA in Journalism and Photography in London. 

After a few years abroad in Istanbul, Turkey, as a freelance photographer, Capucine returned to her own creation by sharing a message of healing through inner connection.


Through extended study and heartfelt experiences with her intuition and psychic gifts, she came to channel the Akashic Records, and facilitate Reiki (remote energy healing) sessions. 

Now she teaches; online and in Paris, France.


"Everything we experience has an energetic affect. We can learn how to master our input and output in the world with reiki, presence, and a deep connection to our highest self."


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Home Base:




Inspiring + Leading Research within our Spiritual Nature


Life Motto:

Nothing is final. Everything is temporary.



"All that you touch you Change. 

All that you Change 

Changes you. 

The only lasting truth is Change. 

God Is Change." Octavia E. Butler


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